In the Beginning was I-Thou

Examining the Principle of Gender Equality in the Genesis 1-3 Narrative


  • Maria Fransiksa Sihombing Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
  • Destri Ayu Natalia Hutauruk Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi Jakarta



gender equality, Genesis 1-3, man, woman, I-Thou, I-It


Gender equality remains a significant topic of discussion within theological discourse. The creation narrative in Genesis 1-3 has historically been interpreted through androcentric and misogynistic lenses, perpetuating theological views that marginalize women. Such interpretations have been transmitted through centuries, contributing to a theological framework that subordinates women. This study seeks to critically examine these androcentric and misogynistic readings of Genesis 1-3 within the Christian tradition and to offer a narrative reinterpretation that reveals hermeneutical insights supporting gender equality. Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, specifically a literature review, the study demonstrates that the original relationship between man and woman, as depicted in Genesis 1-2, reflects an "I-Thou" dynamic, which was fractured into an "I-It" relationship following the events of Genesis 3. The research advocates for contemporary Christians to restore the initial relational dynamic by rejecting all forms of gender inequality.


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How to Cite

Sihombing, M. F. ., & Natalia Hutauruk, D. A. (2024). In the Beginning was I-Thou: Examining the Principle of Gender Equality in the Genesis 1-3 Narrative. Collecta: Journal of Theology and Christian Tradition, 1(2), 119–134.