About the Journal
Sisean is a Batak Toba term meaning "disciple," a concept directly linked to the disciples of Jesus in the New Testament. The term is used to describe the individuals whom Jesus personally called and commissioned to spread God's mission throughout the world (Matthew 28; Mark 16).
In this vein, Journal Sisean seeks to encourage Christians to participate in God's mission to the ends of the earth, following the example of Jesus’ disciples. Christians, having been called, privileged, and sent, are invited to take an active role in the mission of salvation.
The journal focuses on Christian theology, particularly in relation to missiology—the theological study of the mission of Christ and its application in contemporary contexts. It emphasizes that the theology and practice of mission cannot be separated from their biblical foundations in the Old and New Testaments, as well as from the contextual theology shaped by current social, cultural, religious, and political realities at local, regional, and global levels.
Journal Sisean provides a platform for scholars, theologians, church leaders, and other religious practitioners to contribute their research, reflections, and practical insights on mission theology within the complexities of today's world.
Journal Information
1. Journal Title: Sisean: Journal of Theology and Christian Mission
2. Frequency of Issue: Twice a Year, April and October
3. DOI: 10.62926/js
4. Online ISSN:
5. Print ISSN:
6. Chief Editor: Mery Simarmata
7. Publisher: Sekolah Tinggi Theologia HKBP Pematangsiantar